Search Engine Optimization

Get your social assets on top of search platforms with our organic and optimized SEO services using Whitehat methods.

Having knowledge of the latest trends in SEO, at Makclan, we execute human-centric SEO strategies that offer you a right audience connect for your content and targeted results. We curate appropriate SEO marketing strategies that help you stay at the top when customers look for you. We start with detailed analysis of your business and target audience, work on keyword trends, make your on-site presence strong and market your business presence with solid link-building strategies. Let’s build your brand with a result centric marketing team and leverage everything from local SEO to keyword optimization, from finalizing right KPIs to perfect content audit, and top Google search rankings. Get ready to crawl with our team to build a presence where customers come finding you.

Stay current with the new trends
Stay current with the new trends

SEO has now evolved into a complex strategy made multiple tasks across divisions and departments that must work with complimenting efforts to give a unified brand experience to the customer. Brands also need to focus for new features like such as voice search and featured snippets to ensure our efforts stay focused bearing us top results.
What’s more, factors like authority and credibility are becoming increasingly critical to search performance, which means we will also need to include reputation management in your SEO strategy.

Our effective 4-Phase methodology helps client to establish and grow their organic rankings on popular search platforms.
Our effective 4-Phase methodology helps client to establish and grow their organic rankings on popular search platforms.

Detailed Website Technical Audit & In-Depth Analysis on Technical Issues: We score your websites, rank all technical issues into three categories of severity and provide detailed explanations on what each issue is impacting.
Prioritization & Implantation of Fixes to Make the Biggest Impact: We work with your technical team to guide them or make the fixes ourselves based on the level of impact they’ll have on your website. We’ll be able to see near immediate improvements in your technical SEO score.
Content Strategy & Planning Around High Volume Organic Keywords: One the foundation is built and we are able to get ranked in organic results, we evolve a content strategy to help create high quality, engaging content that is desired keyword friendly and will rank over time driving new audience to our site.
Ongoing Reevaluation of Technical Score and Production of Quality Content: We continually re-evaluate your website for new issues that have come up as you make changes or as search engines change their algorithm. Ongoing content production will help improve your rankings on more search terms over time.

Our effective 4-Phase methodology helps client to establish and grow their organic rankings on popular search platforms.
Our effective 4-Phase methodology helps client to establish and grow their organic rankings on popular search platforms.

Detailed Website Technical Audit & In-Depth Analysis on Technical Issues: We score your websites, rank all technical issues into three categories of severity and provide detailed explanations on what each issue is impacting.
Prioritization & Implantation of Fixes to Make the Biggest Impact: We work with your technical team to guide them or make the fixes ourselves based on the level of impact they’ll have on your website. We’ll be able to see near immediate improvements in your technical SEO score.
Content Strategy & Planning Around High Volume Organic Keywords: One the foundation is built and we are able to get ranked in organic results, we evolve a content strategy to help create high quality, engaging content that is desired keyword friendly and will rank over time driving new audience to our site.
Ongoing Reevaluation of Technical Score and Production of Quality Content: We continually re-evaluate your website for new issues that have come up as you make changes or as search engines change their algorithm. Ongoing content production will help improve your rankings on more search terms over time.

Off-Page SEO

Off Page SEO is the relationship between a website and contents on the internet. They include strategies to build a website’s credibility, ranking, and reputation and create an ecosystem to feed the organic content to internet data.

Ethical and quality Links is the key
Ethical and quality Links is the key

Much of this comes from building high quality backlinks in large volume that it redirects traffic to the brands website and reassures the search engines to trust the content. In order to be a more trusted, credible source of content, we spend more time on building relevant & high-quality backlinks and guest-posting. The quality of links matters more than the volume of links. Large companies, older companies, and those that are featured a lot tend to perform better at Off-Page SEO.
Smart efforts on social media and PR also have positive impact the Off-Page SEO efforts. Meaning good quality and decent number of social signals generated, which lends credibility to the brands website.
Working solely on SEO efforts do not provide effective results. It is also critical to work on a website’s content, its structure and customer friendly approach while building the reputation.

Our Off-Page SEO tasks include
Our Off-Page SEO tasks include

Reviewing the top competitor backlinks and replicating the high-quality backlinks where it is possible to replicate.
Registering and submitting the business to the top search engines and local business directories.
Creating and submitting the high-quality articles on the high PA and high DA websites for the link building purposes.
Performing the outreach marketing for searching the potential link building opportunities and getting high quality backlinks through outreach marketing.
PDF and video creation and submissions on the top websites.
Creating press releases and submitting it to the top media houses.
Ads submission on the top ad submission websites.
Apart from the above work we also create the new and customized off-page SEO strategies according to the client’s businesses requirements.

Our Off-Page SEO tasks include
Our Off-Page SEO tasks include

Reviewing the top competitor backlinks and replicating the high-quality backlinks where it is possible to replicate.
Registering and submitting the business to the top search engines and local business directories.
Creating and submitting the high-quality articles on the high PA and high DA websites for the link building purposes.
Performing the outreach marketing for searching the potential link building opportunities and getting high quality backlinks through outreach marketing.
PDF and video creation and submissions on the top websites.
Creating press releases and submitting it to the top media houses.
Ads submission on the top ad submission websites.
Apart from the above work we also create the new and customized off-page SEO strategies according to the client’s businesses requirements.

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is related to the content & meta tags of a website, such as the headlines, page content, and structure. On-page SEO helps search engines understand and rank content. It is the process of optimizing each page in order to earn better ranking and drive relevant traffic.

On-Page SEO includes
On-Page SEO includes

Keyword Research: This is the most important part of On-Page SEO. We start with finding the best primary keyword for the page. It should be accurate and relevant to the content, users should be searching for it, and the brand should be able to compete for its ranking. Assign a primary and some related keywords to the content, and structure a content plan around the same. If we are looking to offer content around Content Marketing or Digital Marketing, we do a thorough research of what people are looking for and which keywords we can actually compete on.
Content Creation: We create original, engaging, high-quality content where the chosen keyword is integral to the content. Longtail content have proven to better at being ranked higher. We ensure that the content is well-researched, well-organized and scannable. Additionally, posting often and updating the older content is another way to improve rankings.
Optimization: We use primary and secondary keywords in appropriate fitment in the content. The keyword density in our content is optimal. We ensure correct HTML tagging – title tags, meta tags, schema codes, and subheads. We use Google Search Console to diagnose any issues. We ensure to add internal and outbound links, images and assign relevant tags and categories to optimize the webpages.

Our tasks include
Our tasks include

A detailed on-page SEO report highlighting all the technical SEO of the website along with potential opportunities to rank against the competitor’s website.
A deep and comprehensive research work highlighting all the keywords that can be a money-making keyword for our business.
Fixing of HTML and other website errors including 404 pages not found errors, server-side errors, canonical errors etc.
A complete content auditing and recommendations to make our website contents hundred percent SEO friendly. We also check for the duplicate contents. We also, suggest and recommend for the new contents.
Robots.txt and sitemap creation for making the website search engine friendly.
Meta title and Meta description creation. In this task we put correct and SEO friendly Metas on all the pages of your website. Image optimization, making our website images more SEO friendly by putting the correct alt tags and image descriptions.
Keywords ranking monitoring and monthly report creations.

Our tasks include
Our tasks include

A detailed on-page SEO report highlighting all the technical SEO of the website along with potential opportunities to rank against the competitor’s website.
A deep and comprehensive research work highlighting all the keywords that can be a money-making keyword for our business.
Fixing of HTML and other website errors including 404 pages not found errors, server-side errors, canonical errors etc.
A complete content auditing and recommendations to make our website contents hundred percent SEO friendly. We also check for the duplicate contents. We also, suggest and recommend for the new contents.
Robots.txt and sitemap creation for making the website search engine friendly.
Meta title and Meta description creation. In this task we put correct and SEO friendly Metas on all the pages of your website. Image optimization, making our website images more SEO friendly by putting the correct alt tags and image descriptions.
Keywords ranking monitoring and monthly report creations.

Makclan value adds to brand’s business goals, understands and evaluates closely the brand offering, market, and competitive landscape and uses these with creative insights to develop a custom-made SEO strategy that gets you ahead of the curve.

We are a full service digital marketing agency where we create, refresh and amplify the digital assets of the company - website, promotional materials and social platforms. We also offer specialized solutions to brands selling on eCommerce platforms to ensure your product stay top of customers mind and the category page with our creative solutions.

We provide brand track and brand audit for actionable insights. Our custom solutions help builds trusted relationships with audience and drive business results. Connect with us to see how we Amplify the Marketing Technology with authentic storytelling that your customers will love and build a profitable community for your company.

Makclan Digital
357 Oxer Ct
Devon PA 19333

Makclan Digital
Cabin No. 2 & 3
Tata Raisina Residency
Sector 59, Gurgaon. India

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